Useful English Phrases



In a nutshell: 简而言之
shed some light on: 阐明
as of yet: 到目前为止 This is not in the public domain as of yet!
dispensing with: 免除 And this invitation also makes you dispensing with worry both body and mind.
albeit at: 尽管 This is forecast to continue, albeit at a lower rate.
Owing to: 由于
In analogy to: 类似于
seek to: 设法,企图
be agnostic to: 不可知 Keep the service consumers agnostic to how the services are delivering their functionality.
be comparable to: 相当,相媲美 (comparable: 类似的,可比较的)
To the best of our knowledge: 据我们所知,据了解
in that: 因为
compare favorably with: 优于,媲美 His school record compares favorably with hers.
With this motivation, …
a large panoply of: 一大堆
stemming from: 源于
it is not without……: 并非没有……
irrespective of: 不顾 The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants.
pave the way for …:为……铺平道路
on par with: 与……平分秋色



acquire: 获得
alleviate: 缓解
ample: 充足的
arguably: 可以说,按理 Arguably, 1932 was the year of greatest achievement at the Laboratories.


backbone: 脊柱,支柱,基础
bedrock: 基本事实 Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.
bluntly: 直截了当地
brittle: 脆弱的


Concurrently: 同时地
Contrarily: 相反地
camouflage: 伪装
catastrophic: 灾难性的,糟糕的
commonality: 共性
compelling: 引人入胜的,不可抗拒的;强迫 A compelling reason to study language and vision jointly is …
confounding: 使困惑惊讶;击败(敌人)
congruity: 一致;调和
consecutive: 连续不断的
counterpart:对应事物 Motivated by the success of textual representation pretraining, various efforts have been made to build the multi-modal (visual and textual) counterpart.
cumbersome: 累赘的
curated: 策划的 … rely heavily on curated training datasets …
curation: 治疗;IT(对数据的)综合处理


de-facto: 实际的,事实上的
decipher: 破译;辨认
dedicated: 献身的;专用的 evaluate more dedicated semantics or abilities related to a specific task
deem: 认为 The evening was deemed a great success.
defect: 缺点;背叛
depict: 描绘,描述
derive: 得到;起源
disambiguate: 消岐
dissect: 解剖,仔细研究
distill: 蒸馏,提取


Empirically: 经验主义地
Everest: 珠穆朗玛峰
efficacy: 功效
elaborate: 复杂的;详细描述
elicit: 引起,引出
elucidate: 阐明
elusive: 难以捉摸
empower: 授权 it acquires stronger generalization in visual-language understanding that empowers zero-shot image captioning and open-ended VQA.
en vogue: 时髦
endow: 天生赋予,捐赠
entail: 涉及 The job entails a lot of hard work
envision: 展望 They envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease.
eschew: 避开
essence: 本质


facilitate: 促进 it facilitates the model with strong generation capability.
forcibly: 强制地;清楚地(It struck me forcibly how honest he’d been.)


generic: 通用的
groundbreaking: 开创性的


Heretofore:迄今为止 Synonyms: so far, thus far, up to now, as yet, till now e.g. Heretofore, doctors have tried low fat diets to reduce the cholesterol in the blood.
hallmark: 特征,特点
hazardous: 危险的
holistic: 全面的,整体的


idealistic: 理想主义的
idiosyncratic: 怪异的
indispensable: 不可或缺的
individually: 单独地,个别地 Such models have a tendency to reproduce generic captions from the training data, and to perform poorly on compositionally novel images whose objects may have been seen individually at training time.
individuate: 使个性化
infuse: 注入,全面影响 A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company’s employee relations
inherently: 天性地
innovation: 创新
inseparable:不可分离的 e.g. Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.
instrumental: 起重要作用的 He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.
intractable: 棘手的
intricate: 错综复杂的




lexical: 词汇的


marginal: 微不足道的
merit: 优点,价值
meticulously: 极仔细地;一丝不苟地
mimic: 模仿
miscellaneous: 混杂的,各种各样的
mitigate: 减轻,缓和
monotonically: 单调地


Notably: 尤其是,值得注意的是 Notably, our contextual visual representation is built on top of a pre-trained detector, operating at a level above local visual features.
nascent: 新生的,未成熟的
natively: 自然地,天然地
necessitate: 使成为必要 Increased traffic necessitated widening the road.
nexus: 关系;(错综复杂的)联结
notorious: 臭名昭著的


obfuscate: 混淆
on-the-fly: 即时 On-the-fly testing with a model provides a way to handle this situation
ontology: 本体(论)
opacity: 不透明性


paradigm: 典范 The prevailing paradigm for learning visual representations is……
perceivable: 可感知的
perturbation: 微扰
plain: 清楚的,浅白的
plausible: 可信的,有道理的,花言巧语的
polysemy: 多义性
ponder: 思考
preclude: 妨碍,排除
prepend: 预先考虑,预置
presume: 假设
prevailing: 盛行的;战胜
prevalence: 流行 prevalent: 流行的
prospective: 预期的;即将发生的



rationale: 根本原因,基本原理 However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic
readily: 便利地
refute: 驳斥
regime: 政体;组织方式
remainder: 剩余物 The remainder of this paper describes……
remedy: 救济,改正,改进
render: 使成为 Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. 给予 ~ sth to sb
resultant: 因此而产生的
rival: 与……相匹敌 You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.


Specifically: 具体地,特别是
salient: 显著的
scarce: 罕见的,不足的
schematic: 示意图;略图的,严谨的
seamless: 无缝的;不停顿的 Apple also unveiled a more seamless way to discover and access new apps
shoehorn: 鞋钉,把……硬塞进
sophisticated: 复杂的,精密的
spawn: 产卵;引发 The band’s album spawned a string of hit singles
speculate: 猜测
spur: spur significant progress in VQA domain
spurious: 虚假的
substantial: 大量的,价值巨大的,牢固的;本质
substantive: 实质性的;重大的;严肃认真的 I have yet to be convinced that the European Council is capable of reaching such a substantive agreement, given its past record.
succinct: 简明的;言简意赅的
susceptible: 亦受影响的,敏感 If you are susceptible to something or someone, you are very likely to be influenced by them.
synergy: 协同作用
synthetic: 合成的,人造的


tackle: 处理(难题或局面);向某人提起(问题或困难情况);抢球;抢断 To tackle the above problems,
tailor: 裁缝;订做 Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.
tedious: 乏味的, 冗长的
toolkit: 工具包


ubiquitous: 无处不在的
undertake: 承担,从事,承诺 She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
unexceptionally: 无一例外地
unified: 统一的
unravel: 解体;阐释,说明 unravel mechanisms of……


vanilla: 普通的


whereas:鉴于;然而 1. Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself to death about it, now I accept it is part of the game 2. Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.



yield: 产出,利润;屈服,产生,提供 VirTex yields features that match or exceed those learned on ImageNet



This is still up for debate.


investigate, explore, probe, analyse

study, research,

adopt, employ

assess, evaluate

acquire, derive
